

Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd engages in the manufacture of steel bars and steel billets in Malaysia. The company, through its subsidiary also engages in the manufacture, and research and development of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals products for positron emission tomography. Malaysia Steel Works is based in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Bursa Malaysia: Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tai Hean Leng was increasing its stake to 31.76% or 66.93 million shares after the recent acquisition of 2.85 million shares.
presentation of Bursa Malaysia showed TYY Resources Sdn Bhd, which is considered of interest, acquired ; the stock on February 25 of RM1.38 each.
integrated steel maker back to profitability in the year ended December 31, 2010 in the back of a record of RM1 billion in revenue. Masteel recorded a net profit of RM28.18 million compared to net loss of RM8.09 million in FY09, while revenue rose 46.2% RM1 million from RM687.26 million in FY09. strong years of growth was due to the growing demand for its products and higher prices
--Bursa Malaysia: Integrated steel manufacturer Malaysia Steel Works (KL) BHD (Masteel) turned to profitability in the year ended December 31, 2010 in the back of a record of RM1 million d & # XF3; dollars in revenue.
Masteel said on Thursday, February 24 saw a net profit of RM28.18 million compared to net loss of RM8.09 million in FY09, while that revenues increased 46.2% to RM687.26 million RM1 million in FY09.
Masteeel attributed the strong growth year yeara the growing demand for its products and higher prices.

target price for this share- RM1.30

