
馬股早盤一度重挫19點...What share can we invest today??

日本福島核能電廠發生輻射外泄,亞股和能源價格波動加劇,一連串的恐慌賣壓湧現;除了日股跌逾 14%,其中以韓股和港股跌幅最大。受此消息影響,馬股盤中也劇烈震盪,一度重挫19.11點至1494.89點。分析員表示,由於日本大地震,投資者已 經處於謹慎態度,導致交投繼續淡靜,綜指也持續處於橫盤或偏弱的走勢。

KOSSAN - Kossan better than peers at riding out storm
Maintain buy at RM3.11 with target price RM3.60: Kossan's 4Q earnings are likely to have been stable quarter-on-quarter (+17% year-on-year) on sustained earnings before interest and tax (Ebit) margins. Such a performance would be highly commendable in our view, considering the fact that high latex prices have negatively impacted the margins and earnings of its latex peers in the recent quarter. Latex gloves presently account for 60% of Kossan's glove production with nitrile accounting for the remaining 40%. Kossan's share price has unjustifiably underperformed the bigger latex peers by 5% year-to-date and valuations are undemanding. We maintain our 'buy' call and discounted cash flow-derived target price of RM3.60.

